Subject Name: Media Studies
Level of Study: Year 10
Length of Course: Semester or Year
Mandatory / Elective: Elective


No pre-requisites

What will be in the course?

Media relates to the study and use of film texts and film language and techniques, in order to enhance students’ appreciation of film and media texts.  Students explore the historical and socio-cultural contexts of film and media, as well as the narrative and stylistic features of different genres.

Through their study and use of media texts and language and techniques, by the end of each unit students should be able to:

  • Show a developing proficiency in thinking, writing and speaking about film and media.
  • Consider critically a range of film and media texts across a range of contexts and genres.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the variety of ways film and media create meaning.
  • Demonstrate an ability to use knowledge, skills, research and experience and apply them analytically to evaluate film and media texts.
  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the historical, socio-cultural contexts of film and media.
  • Develop and apply an understanding of film language and style.
  • Produce a media product of their choice demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the art of film-making.

Students will critically study a range of media texts to enhance their appreciation of film and media. They will explore the historical and socio-cultural contexts of film and media, as well as the narrative and stylistic features of different genres.  They will apply their learning in practical tasks.



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