From the Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

Launch of Continuous Reporting: Year 12 Report

We are pleased to announce that this week on Thursday we will launch a Snapshot Student Academic Report to our Year 12 parents (and parents of students who are studying a Stage 2 Subject in Year 11). The parent Snapshot report provides a summary view of the continuous reporting approach that we have adopted to support our students with their learning via our online learning management system (LMS), CANVAS.

Features of the Snapshot Report include:

  • Tutor comment on progress
  • Overall grade and effort for each subject
  • Hyperlink to students live online portfolio of assessment evidence for each subject with teacher feedback
  • Attendance
  • Cocurricular and leadership achievements

On Thursday at 10am parents of students in Year 12 will be able to access their child’s report. An email will be sent as a reminder. Please find instructions on how to access the report and Canvas feedback provided to students HERE.

We look forward to launching our Semester Snapshot Reports for all parents of Year 7-11 student’s next term.

Continuous reporting in secondary schools serves several purposes for parents:

Timely Feedback: It provides parents with ongoing and timely feedback about their child’s progress and performance throughout the school year. This helps parents stay informed about how their child is doing academically, socially, and emotionally. Importantly, our students can get formative feedback to propel their learning and to support them to make adjustments immediately, rather than waiting for end of semester assessments.

Support for Student Learning: Continuous reporting allows parents to better support their child’s learning journey. By understanding their child’s strengths, areas for improvement, and learning preferences, parents can provide any additional support or encouragement at home.

Early Intervention: Continuous reporting enables early identification of any challenges or areas where students may need additional support. This early intervention can help prevent issues from escalating and ensure that students receive the necessary assistance to overcome obstacles. Across the school our teaching teams monitor student growth and target their teaching accordingly.

Partnership in Education: It fosters a strong partnership between parents and educators. By staying informed about their child’s progress and engaging in discussions with teachers, parents can actively contribute to their child’s educational experience and help create a supportive learning environment.

Celebration of Achievements: Continuous reporting also allows parents to celebrate their child’s achievements, progress, and growth over time. This recognition and encouragement are essential for motivating students and building their confidence and self-esteem.

Overall, we believe that continuous reporting promotes transparency, communication, and collaboration between parents and schools, leading to enhanced student outcomes and a more supportive learning environment.

Katherine Adnett                                        Tom Ranieri
Deputy Principal                                  Head of Learning Systems and Analytics



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