Subject Name: Research Project/Activating Identity and Futures
Level of Study: Stage II (undertaken as a compulsory Year 11 subject)
Length of Course: Semester
Note: Is a compulsory SACE 10-credit subject. Students must achieve a C– grade or better to complete the subject successfully and gain their SACE.


No pre-requisites

What will be in the course?

The SACE Board is committed to driving innovation in teaching and learning practices. This includes the revitalisation of this subject, which will become Activating Identities and Futures.  As such the final structure of the subject for 2024 will be informed by the SACE Board’s change network.

This is a subject designed for students to purse an area of their personal interest for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, consideration of the area and what learnings are required is an important aspect of learning evidence during the early phases of the project.

Following, students are encouraged to be self-directed to action and purse their chosen path of learning. In applying knowledge, skills, and ideas specific to their chosen field. Requiring students to take greater ownership and agency over their learning as they select, test and explore relevant strategies and perspectives in the pursuit of the project of their choice. They seek feedback on their learning processes, become metacognitive about their thinking and make informed decisions to enhance their learning.

How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (70%)

External Assessment (30%)



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