Subject Name: Music
Level of Study: Stage 1
Length of Course: Year
Prerequisite: Music (Year 10)


Music (Year 10)

What will be in the course

In this course there four distinct elements which are solo performance, arranging/composing, theory/aural/harmony and analysis.

In solo performance the students will perform twice in a public concert context two programs of 5 – 6 minutes each. In arranging/composition students will learn techniques of arranging a composition and apply them to an arrangement or their own creation using a specific instrumentation and other inclusions.

In theory/harmony/aural study students will further develop their understanding of these literacy aspects of music and develop increased skills, knowledge and understanding of them including all intervals, triads, 7th chords, diatonic 7th chords, the jazz vehicle and harmonising a melody, cadences, rhythmic and melodic dictation, all common time signatures, all key signatures, modes and scales.

Finally, the course will look at two periods of musical history in the context of analysing two seminal 20th Century musical works created by iconic musicians. In Semester 1 we look at the development of Jazz and Duke Ellington in particular, while analysing his work, Koko. In Semester 2 we look at the life and music of Leonard Bernstein and his work, West Side Story.

How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (100%)

  • Solo Performance. 1 x public solo performance of 5-6 minutes per semester (40%)
  • Arranging/Composing. 1 x arrangement or composition per semester (20%)
  • Theory/aural/harmony. 1 x test per semester (20%)
  • Analysis of two significant music works requiring two written analysis of a maximum of 750 words (20%)




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