Subject Name: Legal Studies
Level of Study: Stage 2
Length of Course: Year
Prerequisite: NA


No pre-requisites

What will be in the course?

The study of Legal Studies enables an understanding of the operation of the Australian legal system, its principles and processes and prepares students to be informed and articulate in matters of the Law and society. Through an exploration of the competing tensions that arise students evaluate, analyse and apply contextually appropriate legal principles, processes, evidence and cases to demonstrate their arguments. Students consider a range of perspectives to make recommendations for reforms to the legal system and laws. They will explore rights and responsibilities, sources of law and adversarial and inquisitorial dispute resolution processes. Students will examine how people, governments and institutions shape the law and how law controls, shapes and regulates interactions between people, institutions and government.

Focus Areas 1 and 2 are compulsory, plus one Optional topic listed below for exploring the questions and tensions:

  • Focus Area 1: Sources of Law
  • Focus Area 2: Dispute Resolution
  • Optional Area 1: The Constitution
  • Optional Area 2: When Rights Collide

How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (70%)

  • Assessment Type 1: Folio (40%)
  • Assessment Type 2: Inquiry (30%)

External Assessment (30%)

  • SACE issued examination (30%)



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