Subject Name: Business Innovation
Level of Study: Stage 2
Length of Course: Year
Prerequisite: NA


No pre-requisites

What will be in the course?

In Stage 2 Business Innovation, students refine the skills and knowledge to understand modern business and the entrepreneurial process. Students apply the principles and advice from Y-Combinator – the world’s premier startup accelerator – to find meaningful business problems and create commercially viable solutions to these problems. This is achieved through immersion in the Lean Startup process, exploration of contemporary business models and application of other entrepreneurial tools and processes. Students have the option to explore modern business through the lens of their own entrepreneurial endeavours or by analysing and improving existing businesses. Students are strongly encouraged to explore areas of curiosity, as the basis for deeper engagement in their work. Students are expected to discover and apply primary and secondary business intelligence to support their business recommendations. Subsequently, endeavours to execute on their business ideas are strongly encouraged. Academic learning will be complemented with business simulations and ‘gamified’ business-activities, to allow students to thrive and refine their knowledge in a safe, practical environment. To excel, students are expected to demonstrate some initiative outside of the ‘traditional classroom’ by speaking to potential customers and seeking advice from mentors.

How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (70%) 

  • Assessment Type 1: Business Skills (40%)
  • Assessment Type 2: Business Model Evaluation (30%)

External Assessment (30%) 

  • Assessment Type 3: Business Plan and Pitch



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