Senior School, Term 3 Week 1

Welcome to Semester 2. I hope you enjoyed the last three weeks and that you were able to take advantage of the break form our normal School routines.

Today, Pulteney has been a hub of activity with people enjoying catching up with teachers and students. The positive and welcoming atmosphere is something our community can be proud of and augurs well for the second half of the academic year.

I am always impressed by the opportunities available to our students and the skills and talents they display. At today’s assembly, we acknowledged outstanding contributions made to the School by a number of students across a range of fields. These included, the Performing Arts, The Conservation Corps, and Outdoor Education.

Of course, Term 3 will continue to be busy and vibrant. Our co-curricular programme is into full swing and a number of fixtures, performances and events are scheduled. I am particularly excited to attend the Year 12 Drama production called The Lovely Bones, from Thursday September 5th – Saturday September 7th, as I know the students are devoting a large amount of time and effort to this performance.

It has also been pleasing to see students start the term taking pride in their uniform and presentation. Expectations regarding uniform and presentation can be found HERE. Further information is available below and will also be communicated via email. You are welcome to contact me with any queries.

Finally, this Thursday evening is our Subject Selection Showcase. The program can be found HERE

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Zac Savage
Head of Senior School


Dear Parents and caregivers,

Pulteney School Uniform

As we begin Term 3. I hope your family enjoyed the holidays and that your children are looking forward to an exciting Term ahead.

As the academic year progresses, we would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the importance of students adhering to our School’s uniform policy. This policy, which includes expectations regarding jewellery, uniform presentation and grooming standards, is essential for maintaining a focused and respectful learning environment.

We believe that our uniform policy provides several benefits for your children, including:

  1. Ensuring focus: Following a uniform policy minimises distractions in the classroom. When students present themselves appropriately, the focus remains on education rather than individual appearance.
  2. Safety and comfort: Our policy allows students to feel comfortable and participate fully in all School activities. Properly fitted and appropriately styled uniforms allow for ease of movement and contribute to a more orderly environment.
  3. Maintaining grooming standards: Expecting students to maintain a neat appearance is part of our commitment to teaching young people personal hygiene and professional presentation. These habits are valuable life skills that will benefit your children beyond their school years.
  4. Representing Pulteney with pride: Wearing the School uniform correctly instils a sense of pride and responsibility. It signifies respect for our School’s values and traditions. Students are ambassadors of Pulteney, and their appearance reflects our community’s culture.

We understand that the best outcomes are achieved when families and schools work in cooperation and support. We kindly ask that you assist us by supporting your child in following our uniform policy, which is available HERE.

Some areas where the School would particularly appreciate support from our families are:

  • Jewellery: Jewellery is not part of the Pulteney uniform and should not be worn to School or to any School activity. Earrings may be worn with one small gold, pearl or silver stud or gold or silver sleeper in each ear lobe. Students are permitted to wear items of religious or cultural significance.
  • Shirts, skirts, and ties: Shirts should be properly fitted and tucked in. Ties should be neatly knotted with the top button done up. Skirts should be no more than 3cm above or below the mid-knee.
  • Grooming: Hair should be conservatively cut and must not fall across the eyes or below the collar. Shoulder-length hair is to be tied back with ribbons, hair ties or hair clips. There are to be no extremes of colour or length. Hair colour should be natural. Clippered cuts should be no shorter than a Number 2. Where necessary, students should be clean-shaven.
  • Black school shoes: Black leather school shoes should be classic in style. Any form of sports shoe, such as black Nike Air Force 1s or similar are not permitted with the summer or winter uniform. Some Senior School students will still be wearing brown shoes with their academic uniform. These are acceptable during the uniform transition period but should also be in good repair.

In seeking your cooperation in these matters, we hope to work together for the collective success of your children. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Zac Savage                                  Lauren Connolly
Head of Senior School              Head of Middle School





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