ELC, Term 3 Week 1

ELC Learning Environments and Resources

“The wider the range of possibilities we offer children, the more intense will be their motivations and the richer the experiences.”
Loris Malaguzzi

Welcome to Term 3 at ELC! This morning the ELC teachers and educators were excited to share with the children the learning environments they had prepared for the new term. At the ELC we plan our spaces to support children’s exploration, social interactions and learning and to spark and sustain their inquiry learning through play. In each ELC room, as well as in the Nature Play courtyard and at Yartangka Bush Kindy, the children are offered a wide range of possibilities that cater for their many play styles and interests. More and more we are trying to include in our environments loose parts, natural, recycled and upcycled materials to support sustainability, open ended play and creativity. In coming weeks, we will be sharing a list of items we are seeking for donations – your trash may be our treasure! Before you send your boxes to recycling or furniture to hard rubbish, please think of us – we may have a use for it!

Signing In and Out and Before School Care Bookings

All children must be signed in and out of Xplor on the iPads at the glass entrance doors each time they attend ELC. Accurate attendance information is essential for emergency situations and also for government Child Care Subsidy records. If your child will be attending Before School Care, we ask parents to please book in advance via Xplor request or by email as children cannot be signed into Before School Care without a booking.

Immunisation Records

All ELC parents are kindly asked to enter or update their children’s immunisation details in the Pulteney Parent Portal under the My Details tab. If you need any help with this, please see Ruby Panizza in the ELC office or email at ruby.panizza@pulteney.sa.edu.au.

Ali Blake
Head of Early Childhood and Care




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