Uniform Shop

Pulteney’s on site Uniform Shop provides parents with a complete uniform fitting service and carries the full range of Pulteney uniforms and accessories, including sport uniforms and items, as well as secondhand uniforms.

Wherever possible we encourage families to make online purchases via the Qkr! app, particularly where “sizing up” or refreshing items for the new year. Qkr! orders will be filled on a daily basis (during opening hours) and your child can collect their items from their respective sub-school.

If you require an appointment to attend the Uniform Shop in person, please contact Liz and the team on 8216 5538.

Term Opening Hours, 

Tuesday 11-5pm
Wednesday 12.30-4.30
Friday 8-11.30

Closed during Week 1 of the April School Holidays 2024.

Open in Week 2 at times below:

Tuesday 23 April 10-3pm
Wednesday 24 April 10-3pm
Friday 26 April 10-3pm

School resumes Tuesday 30 April.

For students who require a new winter uniform fitting. Please call 82165538 to make a booking.



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