Subject Name: Music Explorations
Level of Study: Stage 2
Length of Course: Year
Prerequisite: Music (Stage 1)


Music (Stage 1)

What will be in the course?

Students develop their critical and creative thinking, their aesthetic appreciation of music, and their ability to respond in written and compositional means through the study of this subject. Students engage with live and recorded performances, analyse written scores, artists, and performers, compare and evaluate compositions and performance, and make artistic judgements based upon their observations. These concepts form the basis of two folios of compositional and creative work; one major folio (Music Explorations Folio) and one minor folio (Creative Connections Folio).

How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (70%)

Assessment Type 1: Musical Literacy (30%)

Task 1: Comparative Essay (10%)

Comparison of two or more works discussion composition technique, style, musical elements, and other unique features (1000 words, or equivalent in multimodal format)

Task 2: Analytical Response (10%)

A reflection on and critique of one or more works presented in a live music performance (750 words, or the equivalent in multimodal format)

Task 3: Original Melody (10%)

The creation of an original melody composition of 32 to 48 bars with a composer’s statement (32 to 48 bars music and 250 word commentary, or the equivalent in multimodal format)

Assessment Type 2: Music Explorations Folio (40%)

A folio of works which comprises of the following:

A set of short performances which should be presented to a live audience. (8 to 10 minutes in duration)


A set of compositions which explore a range of styles and genres of interest to the student to inform their final Creative Connections task (4 to 6 minutes in duration)

Commentary: Composer’s statement of 1000 words, or the equivalent in multimodal format.

 External Assessment (30%)

Assessment Type 3: Creative Connections

A creative work which comprises of the following:

An original creative work which should be presented to a live audience (6 to 8 minutes in duration)


A creative work that is a composition or arrangement which should be notated and recorded (3 to 4 minutes in duration)

Commentary: Composer’s statement should be in oral or multimodal format (maximum of 7 minutes)





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