Subject Name: Drama
Level of Study: Stage 1
Length of Course: Semester or Year
Prerequisite: Students are recommended to have completed at least one semester of Year 10 Drama.


Students are recommended to have completed at least one semester of Year 10 Drama.

What will be in the course?

Students acquire the skills and understanding to generate creative and imaginative solutions to the challenge of staging theatrical works. Drama values the exploration of all forms of learning, integrating the creative with the physical and the intellectual. Students analyse texts and other materials, performances, and their own learning. As students experience diverse perspectives and challenge their own imaginations, they have the opportunity to develop confidence in their own ideas. In addition, students work together as an ensemble to design, write, and perform original work throughout the semester, applying their understanding of theatre and various dramatists.  At the conclusion of each semester, the class rehearse and stage a full-scale production to a public audience, where students can undertake the role of an actor, costume/ lighting/ multimedia/ set designer, or a combination of these.

How will I be assessed?


School Assessment (100%)

·         Assessment Type 1: Responding to Drama (30%)

·         Assessment Type 2: Performance (40%)

·         Assessment Type 3: Creative Synthesis (30%)







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