Subject Name: Dance
Level of Study: Stage 1
Length of Course: Year
Prerequisite: Some prior experience / knowledge in Dance


Some prior experience / knowledge in Dance

What will be in the course?

Students work on seven major assessment tasks to build skills and knowledge surrounding three key areas of study: Understanding Dance, Creating Dance, and Responding to Dance. Students progress their technique and performance skills through learning various dance combinations and choreography across a range of genres and dance styles that are performed to a live audience. In addition, students engage in research and analysis of dance in diverse contexts, evaluate and refine their own creative works as an artist, and develop their knowledge and understanding of dance skills, dance elements, structural devices, and production elements. They learn how to communicate choreographic intent through composition and performance, and work towards improving their personal development as a dancer.


How will I be assessed?

School Assessment (100%)

Assessment Type 1: Skills Development (25%)

Task 1: Choreographic Analysis

Based on their individual choreography task, students will reflect on the skills and processes used to communicate choreographic intent and how they were able to translate their ideas into movement using the elements of dance and structural devices.

Written: 800 words

Task 2: Choreographic Analysis

Based on their group choreography task, students discuss the choreographic process and reflect
on the actions they undertook to prepare and create their dance work.
Students analyse the success of the outcome, and highlight any areas of improvement, focusing on their
development as a professional practitioner.

Interview: 5 minutes

Assessment Type 2: Creative Explorations (50%)

Task 1: Performance

Students will participate in the learning, refining and presenting of two or more class routines across a range
of genres and perform them at the annual Pulteney Dance Concert.                                                                                                                                                                  

Task 2: Joint Choreography Construction

Students will work collaboratively to explore the various elements of composition to create a short dance
work with guidance from their teacher. The joint construction may be established around a specific theme,
idea, or element/s of dance to assist with the choreographic process. Students will perform the final
composition in class and may have the opportunity to perform the piece to a wider audience.

Task 3: Individual Choreography Construction

Individually, students choreograph an original and innovative dance work for a solo performance. Students may present their work as a live performance or film.

Assessment Type 3: Dance Contexts (25%)

Task 1: Dance Investigation

This task enables students to investigate dance practice and performance from specific cultures,
historical periods or traditions.

Written: 800 words

Task 2: Responding To Dance

Focusing on a specific work from a dance company or choreographer, students will reflect and analyse
ways in which culture, tradition, or history informed that work.

Oral or Multimodal Presentation: 5 minutes



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