OSHC & Vacation Care
Pulteney's OSHC program
Pulteney’s Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program aims to provide a high-quality program centered on children’s interests that compliments the care provided within the family and supports the values of the School and the community.
An approved service provider, Pulteney’s OSHC operates a Before School, After School, and Vacation Care service in ‘The Factory’, adjacent to the MacKinnon building in Junior School.
Before School Care
Before School Care hours
Monday to Friday, *7.30am to 8.15am during School term.
*Legally we cannot look after your child until 7.30am, so please wait with your child until this time.
Simply arrive on the day and write your child’s name and class on the Sign-In sheet or sign in via Xplor.
Pulteney’s OSHC is closed on public holidays and pupil-free days.
Bookings are not required for Before School Care; however, if you do wish to book in advance, please complete the online booking form available from the start of the 2025 school year.
After School Care
After School Care hours
Monday to Friday, 3.20pm to 6.00pm during School term.
Supervised by our OSHC educators, the After School Program offers a wide range of activities for children, using both indoor and outdoor spaces. The children enjoy playing sports, cooking, making new friends, learning together, doing crafts, and most importantly the OSHC team foster a sense of belonging for the children, to ensure they are happy and relaxed at the end of a busy school day.
Pulteney’s OSHC is closed on public holidays and pupil-free days. Occasionally, OSHC staff will have Professional Development and this may impact open hours.
Before you can book your child in for After School Care, you must complete the annual OSHC Enrolment Form at the commencement of each year (prior to your child’s first OSHC attendance).
Casual bookings can also be made via email asc@pulteney.sa.edu.au, telephone 8216 5545.
Please note, bookings must be made prior to 2.30pm* on the day required to secure a spot.
*Bookings received after 2.30pm on the day required are not guaranteed and will incur a late booking fee of $5 per child.
After School Care Routine
After School Care routine
Reception – Year 2 students | Year 3 – Year 6 students | ||
3.25pm | OSHC educators collect Reception students. Years 1 and 2 students make their way down to OSHC. They are signed in and then participate in free play | 3.30pm | Children arrive and are signed in by an educator |
3.45pm | Sit down for afternoon rundown and welcome | 3.40pm – 4.15pm | Children have supervised homework time and fruit is offered whilst they are completing homework. Children can read or complete quiet activities during this time if they have completed their homework |
3.55pm | Afternoon tea served. Free time and programmed activities | ||
4.30pm | Children provided with a range of activities inside and outside | 4.15pm | Afternoon tea served. Free time and programmed activities |
5.00pm – 6.00pm | Children are free to play under educators’ supervision | 5.00pm – 6.00pm | Children are free to play under educators’ supervision |
6.00pm | OSHC closes |
Enrolment to OSHC
For your child/ren to attend Pulteney Grammar School OSHC and/or Vacation Care, the online annual enrolment form must be completed at the start of each school year or prior to the first session your child attends. This form covers personal, medical and Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) details. It also acts as the Complying Written Arrangement (CWA) for the Child Care Subsidy.
Regulation 90 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations requires a risk-minimisation plan for the management of medical conditions for children enrolled at an education and care service. This is to ensure that the risks relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition are assessed and minimised. The care plan should be developed through consultation between the parents/caregiver of the child and the child care service.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
Pulteney Grammar School OSHC is an approved care provider, enabling families with children up to the age of 13 access to Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The CCS provides financial support for families who are either working, training, studying or volunteering. The level of subsidy received is determined by the combined family income, activity level of both caregivers and the type of child care service.
Parents and caregivers must register and complete an eligibility test with Centrelink to obtain a Customer Reference Number (CRN) for the parent claiming CCS, and for all children for which CCS is to be claimed.
CRN numbers for all attending children and one parent must be provided to the OSHC service to receive any subsidy. The Child Care Subsidy eligibility now depends on family income and hours of activity. Each family is required to complete an eligibility test to confirm the amount that will be subsidised.
The CCS is paid directly to the child care provider (Pulteney Grammar School OSHC). Families are then required to pay the financial difference between the subsidy and the fee charged.
For further information, to check your eligibility or to register, please contact the Department of Human Services via telephone 13 61 50 or visit https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/
Fees & Charges
Session fees
- Before School Care $21 per session per child
- After School Care $33.00 per session per child
- Vacation Care varies per session
These fees are before any Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rebate. For information about the CCS, please click here
Additional fees and charges
After School Care bookings must be made before 2.30pm on the day required to avoid a $5 late fee per child.
Any child(ren) collected after 6.00pm will incur a late fee of $20 per child. A $1 per minute charge will also commence after 6.15pm.
Direct Debit dishonour fee (Debitsuccess)
For those paying by direct debit (via Debitsuccess), please note that Debitsuccess charge a fee of $19.95 inc GST for dishonoured payments. To avoid this default charge, please ensure funds are available in/on your nominated direct debit account 1 day prior to your scheduled direct debit.
Term Time cancellations and additional fees
After School Care (ASC)
- Cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur a full sessional fee, unless a medical certificate is provided.
- Cancellations made with more than 48 hours’ notice will incur a $10 administrative fee, unless a medical certificate is provided.
- Late bookings made after 230pm on the day of attendance will incur a $5 late booking fee.
- Late collection of any child(ren) after 6pm will incur a late collection Fee of $20 and an extra $1 per minute after 6:15pm.
Before School Care (BSC)
- Any cancellations for Before School Care bookings will incur a $10 administrative fee, unless a medical certificate is provided.
- No late booking fee are applied to Before School Care bookings.
Direct Debit Payments
Payments Out of School Hours Care sessions are required to be made by direct debit on a weekly basis via Debitsuccess on Xplor. Parents can securely store their credit card or bank account details via the Finance menu in Xplor Home Web, and payments will be processed each Thursday (as required) to keep the account up to date. Please note that Debitsuccess charge a fee of $19.95 inc GST for dishonoured payments. To avoid this default charge, please ensure funds are available in/on your nominated direct debit account 1 day prior to your scheduled direct debit.
Should alternative payment arrangements be required (including a pause in payments, a change in payment day, or the application of a limit or fixed amount), please notify the Fees and Accounts team via email (ruby.panizza@pulteney.sa.edu.au).
Payments for OSHC and Vacation Care can be made via the Xplor App. Should alternative payment arrangements be required or if you wish to discuss your account, please email ruby.panizza@pulteney.sa.edu.au
Please refer to Fees & Charges or the Parent Information Handbook for further information about fees, charges, cancellations and associated policies.
Notification of Absence
Parents are to advise OSHC educators if their child will be absent as soon as possible and ideally 2:30pm on the day of booking. This can be done via the Xplor App or by calling OSHC 0459 881 682
or emailing asc@pulteney.sa.edu.au.
If there is no notification of absence, parents will be charged a fee (refer to Fees & Charges).
What aged children can access OSHC?
Pulteney’s OSHC is an approved care provider and is accessible to students of Pulteney Grammar School from Reception up to Year 6.
How do I notify OSHC if my child will be absent?
Parents are to advise OSHC educators if their child will be absent. This can be done by calling OSHC, emailing asc@pulteney.sa.edu.au or via the Xplor app. If there is no notification of absence, parents will be charged full fees.
How is my child signed in or out of OSHC?
All children are signed in by staff when they arrive at OSHC. Parents sign their child/ren out via the Xplor App or sign in/out sheet located at the front of OSHC. Please be aware that all children are signed in by staff when they arrive at OSHC and must be signed out by a parent or caregiver when they are collected.
For Vacation Care, parents must sign their child in via Xplor or the sign in sheet at the beginning of each session, and sign out via the Xplor App or sign in/out sheet when collecting their child.
Is breakfast provided at Before School Care?
Breakfast is provided to students at Before School Care. We have a selection of healthy options for your child.
What sort of food is provided at OSHC?
The menu changes weekly to include children’s suggestions, seasonal items and special occasions and celebrations throughout the year. Regular menu items include fruit, dips, pin wheels and rice crackers. Dietary requirements are also catered for.
What do children learn at OSHC?
The OSHC runs a learning play and leisure based program under the national “My Time, Our Place” learning framework. We focus on supporting wellbeing, learning and development in a stress-free environment. A focus on children belonging, being, and becoming is fundamental in this framework.
Does my child do homework at After School Care?
Children can freely do their homework during their time at OSHC. Educators will support the child’s learning in a dedicated homework area. Children are expected to bring everything they need to OSHC and are not permitted to return to their classroom.
What are the learning guidelines?
Pulteney Grammar School’s OSHC service operates under the National Quality Framework.
Please visit Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) for further information about these standards.
Contact OSHC
Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5.00pm