This year children in Year 6 will participate in the school’s BYOD program. Unlike the iPad program, students now have more control over their own device and will have access to it at home as well as school. We recommend that families work together to set some clear guidelines around the use of these devices at home. Information regarding safe use of devices will be provided by the school at regular intervals to help families with this process.

This page aims to address how laptops should be used at school. At Pulteney, we aim for every child to develop, demonstrate, and apply the skills, knowledge, dispositions, and attitudes necessary to be an engaged, ethical and global citizen of the twenty first century. Accordingly, Year 6s will be expected to use their devices for educational purposes only while at school.

The following principles should always be applied:

General Care

Students will be expected to be responsible for the care of their own laptop.

This will include:

  • Taking their device home at the end of each day and ensuring that it is CHARGED.
  • Handling devices carefully. Care should be taken not to drop or place personal devices in situations that could lead to damage or theft, including keeping clear of any food or drink, closing the lid gently, keeping the screen free of items that may crack or damage it and transporting it in an appropriate safety case.
  • Carrying out basic troubleshooting with the assistance of classroom teachers. eServices may assist with some issues and provide general advice but are unable to complete any major repairs to student owned devices.
  • Ensuring all software, including operating systems, remains up to date. This will ensure the smooth running of the device. Regular shutdowns are also encouraged.

School Use

  • During the school day, laptops are to be used for school related purposes only as directed by teaching staff.
  • Laptops should not contain any material that is inappropriate for a school setting.
  • Teachers retain the right to inspect the laptops at any time during the school day to ensure that it is being used appropriately and within the school rules.
  • Students will be expected to use the cloud storage facility, OneDrive – Pulteney Grammar, to ensure all files are securely saved and backed up.

Responsible use of ICT

In accordance with the school’s Responsible use of ICT policy and the Responsible Use of Digital Technologies contract, children will need to:

  • Practice responsible digital citizenship maintaining their online safety, passwords, and device security.
  • Respect the rights of all online users by always interacting appropriately and responsibly. This includes not filming or photographing others without permission.
  • Respect the laws of intellectual property and copyright.
  • Use school email addresses for educational purposes only.
  • Refrain from downloading of games, videos, music files on school grounds.
  • Devices are monitored by eservices while on school grounds. This includes email and internet usage. Network and communication services and monitoring systems must be allowed to run as intended and no attempt should be made to circumnavigate these protocols.

A full copy of the Responsible use of ICT policy is via the Downloads & Policies page.

Student Pledge and Parent Agreement

Please complete the form below to acknowledge that you and your child have read, understood and agreed to follow all responsibilities as outlined in the BYOD Responsible Use Guidelines and the rules as stated in the Responsible Use of Digital Technologies contract. If these guidelines are not met, the School reserves the right to withdraw the use of the device for an appropriate period of time.


BYOD Responsible Use Guidelines (Year 6)

"*" indicates required fields

Student's details and acknowlegement

The above student agrees to follow all responsibilities in the Responsible Use of Digital Technologies Guidelines and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies contract.*

Parent's details and acknowledgement

I have reviewed and discussed the Responsible Use of Digital Technologies Guidelines and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies contract with my child. My child understands the expectations and responsibilities associated with the proper care and handling of personal electronic devices while at school.*




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