Bus Service
Pulteney operates dedicated bus services to provide families safe and convenient transport of students to and from school.
Our buses are operated by experienced and qualified drivers through Des’s Minibus, with a fixed timetable and routes. The bus service is available to students from Reception through to Year 12, at a fee of $5 per ride ($10 per return trip) per child.
We currently have two bus runs in the western suburbs and two bus runs that cater to families who live in the Adelaide Hills.
Semaphore run, servicing:
- Osborne
- Semaphore
- Semaphore Park
- West Lakes Shore
- West Lakes
- Cheltenham
- St Clair
- Woodville
- Hindmarsh
Grange run, servicing:
- Henley Beach
- Henley Beach South
- West Beach
- Lockleys
- Underdale
- Torrensville
- Hilton
Adelaide Hills, servicing:
Hills 1 Bus Service
- Woodside
- Balhannah
- Basket Range
- Greenhill
Hills 2 Bus Service
- Wistow
- Hahndorf
- Verdun
- Aldgate
- Stirling
Would you like to submit an expression of interest for your child to participate in one of the above bus services?
Please note, the bus service is not a ‘door to door’ service. The bus routes are planned within 500m walking distance of students’ home addresses. Participating families need to be aware that their child/ren will need to get to/from the designated bus stop, and parents may wish to accompany them. Students in Reception to Year 4 will never be left at the drop-off location if the parent/guardian is not there to meet them.
Bus service FAQs
Who can use the Pulteney bus service?
Our dedicated bus service is available to all Pulteney students from Reception – Year 12. Our bus service allows students to travel safely to and from School each day.
How much does the service cost?
A one-way fare is $5.00 per child; $10 return trip per child.
How do I register my child to use Pulteney's bus service?
Please email lyn.braithwaite@pulteney.sa.edu.au to book your child in for the bus.
How do I pay for my child's travel?
Bus fees are added to your child’s fee statement, coinciding with your nominated payment cycle.
How are bus stops planned?
The bus routes are developed around the participants’ addresses, and as such can change depending on new families and daily patronage. All stops are planned within 500m walking distance of students’ home addresses.
Participating families need to be aware that their child(ren) will need to get to/from their designated bus stop, and parents may wish to accompany them. Students in Reception to Year 4 will never be left at the drop-off location if the parent/guardian is not there to meet them.
The bus drops and picks up students from the School gates, so students do not need to cross the road.
If you would like more information about the bus service or wish to book for the current western suburbs bus service, please contact Lyn Braithwaite lyn.braithwaite@pulteney.sa.edu.au